吉首大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 55-58.DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdzk.2021.04.011

• 计算机与通信 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1.南京鑫轩电子系统工程有限公司,江苏 南京 210003;2.吉首大学信息科学与工程学院,湖南 吉首 416000)
  • 出版日期:2021-07-25 发布日期:2021-11-17
  • 作者简介:帅国祥(1981—),男,江苏南京人,南京鑫轩电子系统工程有限公司高级工程师,硕士,硕士生导师,主要从事信号检测与估计研究.
  • 基金资助:

Multi-Frequency Signal Parameter Analysis Based on High-Order Rectangular Convolution Window

SHUAI Guoxiang, WANG Xuming, ZHANG Zhiwei, PENG Hao   

  1. (1.Nanjing Xinxuan Electronic System Engineering Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210003, Jiangsu China; 2. College of Information Science and Engineering, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, Hunan China)
  • Online:2021-07-25 Published:2021-11-17


关键词: 多频信号, 参数估计, 高阶矩形卷积窗, 三谱线插值, 快速傅里叶变换

Abstract: When the multi-frequency signal is sampled asynchronously, in order to reduce the negative influence of the frequency spectrum leakage and the fence effect in the fast Fourier transform of the multi-frequency signal. Based on the theoretical basis of rectangular convolution window and the triple-spectral-line interpolation, proposed a method of signal parameter estimation that combines a high-order rectangular convolution window and triple-spectral-line interpolation. The simulation experiment results show that, for the amplitude and frequency of the multi-frequency signal, the method of high-order rectangular convolution window triple-spectral-line interpolation has higher estimation accuracy than the method of FFT and the method of Hanning window.

Key words: multi-frequency signal, parameter estimation, high-order rectangular window, triple-spectral-line interpolation, fast Fourier transform

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